2021 Senior Finalists

Finalists for the 2021 Senior Division

Project ID           Student                                  Project Title

SR-LS-017Aanchal J.Downregulation of EMP2 and PID1 cell proliferation genes in Lung Cancer
SR-PSE-077Addison W.Comparing Methods of Recoil Measurement
SR-LS-013Alexander D.Effect of bacterial diet on reproductive aging in C. elegans
SR-PSE-056Andres F.Fuel Cells for the Future
SR-PSE-081Andrew W.Comparing and Optimizing the Savonius and Darrieus Renewable Energy Vertical Axis Wind Turbines
SR-LS-051Armaan M.An Evaluation of the Effects of d-alpha-tocopherol and Amygdalin on Regeneration of  Dugesia tigrina
SR-LS-091Arohi N.Radiomic Classification of Chest Radiographs – Identifying COVID-19, Viral Pneumonia, and Healthy Patients to Alleviate Hospital Congestion
SR-PSE-053August M.Developing a Program to Analyze Star Cluster Data
SR-LS-094Ayan N.Smartphone Capable Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network Model for Detecting COVID-19 in Chest X-rays: Addressing the need of Resource-strapped Locations
SR-EEC-052Bhanu Teja M.Designing Photochromic Indicators to Prevent Skin Cancer
SR-PSE-030Caitlyn D.How Do Under-Inflated Tires Affect the Difficulty of Riding a Bike?
SR-EEC-067Caleb E.How Does Temperature Affect the Iodine Clock Reaction?
SR-LS-081Devlin W.Speed-Accuracy Tradeoffs in the Decisions of the Acellular Slime Mold Physarum polycephalum
SR-LS-076Evan V.Testing Drug Effectiveness on Yeast
SR-PSE-036Evelyn W., Debrah A.Smart Vaccine Transportation and Storage Device\n
SR-LS-082Harman S.Effects of Essential Oils on the Growth of Staphylococcus Aureus
SR-PSE-048Henry W.Designing and Constructing a 3D Printer for the Additive Manufacturing of Soft Matter Hydrogels
SR-LS-048Jack S.Cellulose Acetate Membrane Production for the Purpose of E. coli Filtration
SR-EEC-045Katie M.The Great Lakes Nonmetal Concentrations: Potential Causes of Harmful Algal Blooms
SR-PSE-063Leland P.Analyzing the Effectiveness of Benford’s Law at Detecting Election Fraud Using 2020 Election Data
SR-LS-075Nicholas S.An Investigation into the Impact of Online Learning on Students
SR-PSE-085Niloy I.Powering a Toothbrush without a Battery
SR-LS-018Noah B., Ryan B.Genome Analysis of Methionine/Cysteine Restriction in HeLa Cells
SR-LS-060Pratham P.Effects of Amino Acids on the Regeneration Rates of Planaria
SR-EEC-059Ricardo P.The Hydrogen Fuel Cell: Exploration of the Membrane Electrode Assembly
SR-LS-083Serena A.The Physiological Effects of Turmeric and Ginger on Oxidative Stress in Caernorhabditis elegans
SR-LS-080Sharmitha B.Binding of Curcumin and β-Lactoglobulin and the Effect of Curcumin on Fibrils Formed by β-Lactoglobulin\n
SR-PSE-090Sinan L.Lung Segmentation in Chest X-rays with Res- CR-Net
SR-PSE-072Tanvi M.Which Material Is The Most Soundproof?